Art Karlsruhe 2022

Gallery Obrist H1 / E12
July 7 – 10, 2022
daily 11am-8pm.

Gallery Obrist is showing one-artist shows with Jürgen Paas and Dirk Salz, and works by Marcela Böhm, Christian Boltanski, Armin Hartenstein, Ilka Helmig and Thomas Zika at this year’s Art Karlsruhe.
Because of the preparations for the fair, the gallery in Essen is open ONLY BY APPOINTMENT (+49 201 7266 203) until JULY 10th.
The COLLECTOR’S LOUNGE can still be seen there until August 20th.

Gallery Obrist H1 / E12
July 7 – 10, 2022
daily 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Location: Messe Karlsruhe, 76287 Rheinstetten

Thomas Zika – Sovereign Fruits

Statement by Thomas Zika:
“…Before taking any photographs I am pretreating my analog 4×5 inch film material with mushrooms, which pollute out their spores latently on the film sheets, creating beautiful, but chaotic lamella circles. Depending on humidity and ripeness I let this hidden process endure from hours to months. Serendipity is my friend and my enemy: the emergences of the artefacts on the film sheets are accidentally and unpredictable. The fungi segregate their spores upon the surface lying underneath originating extremely delicate lamellar aureoles appearing as a mix of explosion and aura.
Additionally I am mounting roots from dehydrated plants inside the bellows of my large format camera, which create black fotogram-like outlines to echo a „menetekel“ from the future.
I am applying this trans-dimensional experimental method within my project „sovereign fruits“. I am going to photograph in a biotope near my hometown: a creek running through a forest valley, swampland, birds. Viewed superficially everything seems OK, but over the last years the habitat has changed enormously according to the impacts of global warming.
As I am no longer able to believe in any truth embodied in journalistic documentary picture language, my artistic work results in these chaotic, but beautiful photographs, which whisper of a different thruth of their own…”

THOMAS ZIKA – Sovereign Fruits
Opening Friday, 11 February, 2022, 7 p.m.
Duration: 12 February – 19 March, 2022

Exhibition The Colour White at Sachtleben

Until 8 October the exhibition “Die Farbe Weiß (The Colour White”) at Sachtleben Chemie in Duisburg is to be seen. The following 11 artists are participating: Ralf Bohnenkamp, Helge Emmaneel, Robin Horsch, Gabriele Kaiser-Schanz, Dieter Kränzlein, Bianca Müllner, Jürgen Paas, Eberhard Ross, Michaela Schulze Wehninck, Andreas Titzrath and Thomas Zika. An exhibition catalogue was published, the online version you can find here:

First Pictures of Kunst Zurich


Tomorrow and Friday evening are preview and vernissage of this year’s Kunst Zürich. The booth of GAM Galerie Obrist is located at square A9. We await you with new works by Marcela Böhm, Robin Horsch, Dieter Kränzlein, Jürgen Paas and Eberhard Ross, as well as a special show by Henri Cartier-Bresson.
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Kunst 10 Zürich
16th International Fair for Contemporary Art
11-14 November 2010
ABB Halle 550

GAM at the Kunst 10 Zurich


GAM Galerie Obrist will be back at Kunst Zurich from Wednesday to Sunday. In addition to works by Marcela Böhm, Robin Horsch, Dieter Kränzlein, Jürgen Paas, Eberhard Ross and Thomas Zika, we are showing photographs by Henri Cartier-Bresson for the first time. You will find us at booth A9.

Marcela Böhm Jürgen Paas

Robin Horsch Thomas Zika

3452 3150

Kunst 10 Zürich
16th International Fair for Contemporary Art
11 -14 November 2010
ABB Halle 550

Start der Art Moscow

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Mit einem verkleinerten Feld von ca. 50 Galerien präsentiert sich derzeit die internationale Kunstszene in Moskau. Bei der Art Moscow zeigen Galerien aus 15 Ländern ihr Programm, wobei sicher die russischen Galerien bei weitem den größten Anteil stellen: Mit Aidan, Guelman, XL und Krokin sind denn auch die wichtigsten Moskauer Galerien dabei. Bei der Vernissage am gestrigen Abend war der Andrang wie in den Jahren zuvor unvermindert groß.

Die Stadt scheint nach der Krise gereinigt: Allerorten bewegen sich die Kräne wieder, die Sehenswürdigkeiten aufgeputzt, auf den Straßen prächtige Autos. Man munkelt, dass nun der allmächtige Bürgermeister Lushkov, der über viele Jahre Moskau nach eigenen Regeln beherrschte, abtreten muss: Zeit für Veränderung in einer Stadt, die sich sowieso jeden Tag neu erfindet.

Anbei ein paar Impressionen der Messe und der Stadt:





Vernissage Art Moscow


After today was the preview, tomorrow, Wednesday, 16 o’clock, the official opening of Art Moscow will take place. Thousands of visitors are expected. With Marcela Boehm, Peter Schloer, Shinichi Tsuchiya and Thomas Zika we have set up a broad programme, with a focus on photography, and with Henri Cartier-Bresson we are presenting a real highlight of the fair.





Soon again ART MOSCOW


As the only German gallery we again participate at ART MOSCOW this year. ART MOSCOW is the largest contemporary art fair in Eastern Europe. It was founded in 1995 and today is one of the major art events in Russia. (Sep. 22-26, 2010, Central House of Artists, Moscow)

Thomas Zika and Henri Cartier-Bresson


On Friday, September 3rd, from 7 p. m. we will give a preview of the autumn of 2010 in the gallery under the title *preview*.

We’re opening our new “Collector’s Lounge” with a real sensation: we’re showing 13 original photographs by Henri Cartier-Bresson, including vintages and real rarities. There are portraits of Marilyn Monroe, de Gaulle and Jean Paul Sartre, two photos of the Berlin Wall, travel photos from India, Mexico, Russia, Spain, USA, as well as the famous photos of the Palais Royal and the Gare St. Lazare. Use the opportunity of the preview, because we take a part of the work in 10 days on the Art Moscow with us.


From Friday to October 2 Thomas Zika shows his new photo works from the series “Butterflies-Dem Admiral das Leben gerettet”. This will also be a preview of his solo exhibition in spring 2011.


The exhibition “Gezeichnet, gepixelt, gedruckt” mit sieben international tätigen Künstlern aus der Illustrations- und Zeichenkunst is extended until 25 September 2010. .

Thomas Zika shows Butterflies


From 4 September the internationally active photographer Thomas Zika will be showing works entitled “Butterflies – Dem Admiral das Leben gerettet”. in our gallery. In contrast to the sober, objective depiction of butterflies in “Papillons” last exhibition, Zika now finds an opulent and very poetic pictorial language for the depiction of butterflies. In large-format and color-intensive prints, the viewer is confronted with an exuberant nature that literally swells out of the picture, thus counteracting the technical gesture of the medium of photography.

Thomas Zika: “Butterflies – Dem Admiral das Leben gerettet”. Photographs .
Exhibition: 4 September – 2 October 2010.
Opening: Friday, 3 September 2010, 7 p. m.

Thomas Zika in Nancy

Im Rahmen des “Mois de la Photographie en Lorraine” während der Biennale de l’Image in Nancy stellt Thomas Zika seine Arbeit “Hierogamos” aus.
Dauer der Ausstellung: 17.04 – 02.05.2010; Eröffnung am Samstag, 17.04.2010 um 14.00 Uhr.
site Alstom
50, rue Oberlin
54000 Nancy

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