Press Release Julia Willms

Utopia of the art space
In a two-parted exhibition media artist Julia Willms presents current works from 21. to 29. of June at EY5 in Düsseldorf and from the 29. of June to 24. of August at Obrist Gallery in Essen. Entitled „A World“ the exhibition shows works, which were created in collaboration with choreographer Andrea Bozic. In their exhibition Willms and Bozic esthetically put focus on the perception and reflection of art spaces. By exploring, modifying and alienating the reception of these spaces the two artists show ingeniously those layers of an artwork, which regularly are ignored by traditional art perception.

At first Julia Willms displays in Düsseldorf once again an analysis of the reality levels within the White Cube. “A World” is an audiovisual room installation, in which the artist confronts her audience with fragments of an utopian system. After specifying the individual parts of the utopia, the proposal is inverted. Therefore the audience is confronted with a solely auditive mediated utopia – a paradox situation, that irritates and at the same time stimulates.
In the following exhibition in Essen the focus is set on the video installation „Tensiontest” and further the audiovisual room installation “The Avantgarde Never Gives Up”. Considering the video installation, the observers sight is drawn into a fragile system of a rhythmical formation of bubbles. At the same time the tension and expectation increases due to the random popping of bubbles, that fill the dark space in which the sensitive grid appears to be floating in. With “The Avantgarde Never Gives Up” the artist modifies the artistic work process by altering the singularity of the originator and thereby offers a new perspective on the creation process.
“A World” is the fourth exhibition by Julia Willms in cooperation with Obrist Gallery. The artist from Wilmhelmshaven studied media art under Prof. Prof. Bernhard Leitner in Vienna. In 2009 she received the START scholarship for Video and media art of the BMUKK, Austria and displayed her artwork on international level, such as in Vienna, Brno and Leeds.
The exhibition is supported by:

Julia Willms: A World.
21 – 29 June, 2013, Opening Reception: 21 June, 2013, 6 p.m.
Galerie Obrist@EY5, Mutter Ey-Straße 5, 40213 Düsseldorf
29 June – 24 August, 2013, Opening Reception: 28 June, 2013, 7 p.m.
Galerie Obrist, Kahrstraße 59, 45128 Essen

Press Release Wiebke Bartsch

Munster based artist Wiebke Bartsch shows her new solo exhibition „I Could Barely Understand Myself“ at Galerie Obrist until 15 June. With her paintings, drawings and plastic works Bartsch is concerned with questions of identity, role models, physicalness and sexuality, which she comments laconically, often with a humorous punchline.
Vollständige Pressemitteilung auf OpenPR

Wiebke Bartsch: I Could Barely Understand Myself.
4 May – 15 June, 2013
Opening Reception: Friday, 3 May, 2013, 7 p.m.

Press Release Jürgen Paas

German artist Jürgen Paas is known to a broader audience by numerous national and international exhibitions. Titled SPUTNIK he soon will be showing his new work in a two-part exhibition. At Obrist Gallery in Essen a cross-section of his current work is to be seen, and the new Dusseldorf branch of the gallery EY5 will be showing a single installation… –Complete Press Release on openPR (German)

Jürgen Paas: Sputnik I. 19 Januar – 2 March, 2013.
Opening Reception Friday, 18 January, 2013, 7 p.m.
Galerie Obrist, Essen.

Jürgen Paas: Sputnik II. 23 January – 2 February, 2013.
Opening Reception Friday, 25 January, 2013, 7 p.m.
Galerie Obrist @ EY5 – Mutter-Ey-Straße 5, 40213 Düsseldorf

Marcela Böhm – Open Water

Marcela Böhm- Das Ende des Spiels
Starting on 28 September German-Argentinian painter Marcela Böhm shows her new work at Obrist Gallery. Titled OPEN WATER paintings and drawings are to be seen, which deal with the theme “humans and water”. In her very own handwriting Böhm creates new and unsighted pictures about this existential relation.
A catalogue has been published.

Press Release (German)
CV Marcela Böhm

Marcela Böhm: Open Water.
Sep. 29- Nov. 3, 2012
Opening Reception: Friday, Sep. 28, 2012, 7 p.m.

GAM ist Insidertipp im Marco Polo


Im aktuellen Marco-Polo-Reiseführer “Ruhrstädte für Ruhrstädter” von 2010 wird die GAM Galerie Obrist als Insidertipp empfohlen. Das Bild zum Artikel zeigt eine Teilansicht der Galerie mit einer großformatigen Arbeit von Marcela Böhm im Vordergrund.

Pressemitteilung und Booklet zu Michael Goller

Die Schachspieler
Die Schachspieler

Unter dem folgenden Link ist die aktuelle Pressemitteilung zur Ausstellung von Michael Goller (6. Juni bis 11. Juli) zu finden:

Rechtzeitig zur Ausstellungseröffnung erscheint ein Booklet mit einem Teil der Bilder, die in der Ausstellung zu sehen sein werden. Die Vorabversion als PDF ist unter folgendem Link abzurufen:
Ausstellungsbooklet Michael Goller