Where Is My Mind?

From the lecture hall to the gallery
Students from the Essen HBK have realized the exhibition “Where Is My Mind” with the Obrist Gallery, which can be seen in Rüttenscheid from July 15, 2023.
Students at the Essen HBK have heard the expression “unprofitable art” often enough. But what do artists actually do so that they also have something to eat? The students tested this in an unusual seminar.

Insights into the gallery work
Galleries form a central part of today’s art market. This is not surprising, since very few artists are able to market their works in addition to their creative work. Successful artists therefore have valuable partners in their gallerists who complement their area of ​​expertise. Torsten Obrist is such a gallery owner. In cooperation with Prof. Carsten Gliese from the HBK Essen, he welcomed students of the Photography/Media Art (B.F.A.) and Art and Cooperation (M.F.A.) courses for the first time as part of a seminar in his gallery in Essen.
In the “Inside Gallery” course, the students gained an insight into gallery work and planned a joint exhibition. The essential steps for designing a professional presentation of one’s own works were worked out together with the teachers. This should make it easier for the students to enter the art market later.

Exhibition reflects on the body and the corporeal
The exhibition has the title “Where Is My Mind?”, which is more than just a randomly chosen question. In the work of the students, as well as in current art, there is an intensive examination of the (human) body as an artistic medium and as a motif for reflection on the subject and identity. Therefore, a possible answer to the question “Where Is My Mind?” asked in the title could be: “Inside The Body!”
The students cordially invite you to the opening on Saturday, July 15, 2023 at 6 p.m. and look forward to entering into the discourse with you.

Exhibition title:
Where Is My Mind?

Sinthujah Beqiri, Katharina Bodenmüller, Anne Finke, Jakob Fleischer,
Britta Frechen, Carsten Gliese, Eva Marmann, Hanwen Qu,
Charlotte Rupprath, Kai Schlender and Shijie Wang

Saturday, 07/15/2023, 6 p.m.

Opening times:
Saturday, July 15, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday, July 16, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
(parallel to the Rundgang of HBK Essen)
07/17/2023 – 07/29/2023
Wednesday-Friday 12pm-6pm, Saturday 10am-4pm

Obrist Gallery, Kahrstrasse 59, 45128 Essen