In the ZEIT / Kunst und Auktionen from January 14th, 2022 there is a conversation with the Berlin artist Simone Haack about her current work:
Jürgen Paas – United Colours
Die Reihe PRÄSENZ findet nach den Ausstellungen mit Jürgen Jansen und Dirk Salz ihren Abschluss mit Jürgen Paas. Wir stellen neue Variationen der Werkreihe JUKEBOX vor, sowie eine neue TARGET-Installation.
Im Ursprung ist es die Malerei, die Jürgen Paas antreibt, aber keine mit Pinsel und Farbe, sondern eine Malerei mit industriell vorgefertigten Materialien, mit denen sich das Spiel der RAL-Farben entwickeln kann. Je nach Blickwinkel des Betrachters zeigt sich bei den JUKEBOXES eine sehr unterschiedliche Farbkomposition: während von der einen Seite eine kontrastreiche Struktur mit farbigen Streifen dominiert, offenbart sich von der anderen Seite eine fast monochrome Stimmung; während das Halbprofil von einer bunten Schwere dominiert wird, zeigt die Vorderansicht eine Leichtigkeit zarter Linien. “JUKEBOX hat keine definierbare Hauptansicht, ihr Wesen ist die Veränderung.” (Kathrin Reeckmann)
Eröffnung Freitag, 5. November 2021, 19 Uhr
Es erscheint ein Buch zur Ausstellung (Verlag Kettler).
Dauer der Ausstellung: 5.-27. November 2021
Video Portrait Dirk Salz
Video Portrait Dirk Salz
Opening Friday, 1 October 2021, 19h
A book to the exhibition will be released (Verlag Kettler).
Duration: 2-30 October, 2021
Dirk Salz – Every Colour You Are
In the second half of 2021, under the title PRÄSENZ, the gallery will show three artists from the gallery who have been closely associated with the gallery for a long time: Jürgen Jansen, Dirk Salz and Jürgen Paas. The focus of the series is on non-digitizable works, art that can only be adequately experienced in the presence of the art object and the physical presence of the viewer. In the second part of the series we show Dirk Salz, who works with many pigmented layers of epoxy resin in his pictures. “From the materiality of his different materials with pigments, resins, aluminum or wood, he develops picture objects, layer by layer, whose inner infinity, color and light intensify in a dialogue with the viewer.” (Dr. Gabriele Uelsberg)
Opening Friday, 1 October, 2021, 19h
An exhibition book will be released (Verlag Kettler).
Duration: 2.-30. Oktober 2021
Jürgen Jansen – Any Colour But Red.
In the second half of 2021, under the title PRÄSENZ, we will show three gallery artists who have been closely associated with the gallery for a long time: Jansen, Salz and Paas. The focus of the series is on non-digitizable works, art that can only be adequately experienced in the presence of the art object and the physical presence of the viewer. Teh Gallery begins with Jürgen Jansen, who works with many layers and levels in his pictures. Jansen’s works make the offer to go on a research trip into the picture and to reconstruct the process of creation of the work in view of the original. The viewer is immersed in peculiar visual worlds that allow diverse associations from macro to micro, from star formations to plant and cell structures.
Opening Friday, September 3, 2021, 7 p.m.
A book for the exhibition will be published (Verlag Kettler).
Duration of the exhibition: 4.-25. September 2021
Fig .: “Any Color But Red”, 2021, mixed media, 100 x 70 cm
NÄHE #3 – First View
Video on our exhibition:
NÄHE #3 – verführen. Opening in the gallery and on INSTAGRAM LIVE Friday, 18 June 2021, 7 p.m.
NÄHE (Closeness) exhibition series
Artists: Marcela Böhm, Andrea Božić & Julia Willms, John Coplans, EVA & ADELE, FLATZ, (e.)Twin Gabriel, Simone Haack, Franziska Nast, Annegret Soltau
Schedule: March until August, 2021
03/19/ – 05/02/2021 NÄHE #1 – berühren (touch)
05/07/ – 06/12/2021 NÄHE #2 – spüren (feel)
06/18/ – 08/28/2021 NÄHE #3 – verführen (seduce)
Book NÄHE, Kerber Verlag
NÄHE #3 – verführen
Closeness can quickly become too much, but it is never enough. We want more and more. We seduce and allow ourselves to be seduced to get closer and closer. The closeness should be anytime, anywhere and permanently. The border to the other should be overcome, it should fall, in favor of absolute closeness. Whether in the erotic encounter of lovers, the get-together of parents and child, the intimate closeness of siblings or best friends, we let ourselves be seduced by images of intimate closeness. We seldom realize that this seduction to closeness never hits the immediate feeling, but is always conveyed through the respective medium – unless through art.
Opening Reception 18 June, 2021, 7 p.m.
NÄHE (Closeness) exhibition series
Artists: Marcela Böhm, Andrea Božić & Julia Willms, John Coplans, EVA & ADELE, FLATZ, (e.)Twin Gabriel, Simone Haack, Franziska Nast, Annegret Soltau
Schedule: March until August, 2021
03/19/ – 05/02/2021 NÄHE #1 – berühren (touch)
05/07/ – 06/12/2021 NÄHE #2 – spüren (feel)
06/18/ – 08/28/2021 NÄHE #3 – verführen (seduce)
Book NÄHE, Kerber Verlag
Book Release NÄHE 18 June, 2021
The book of the exhibition series NÄHE will be published at the opening reception of NÄHE #3 – verführen on the 18th of June, 2021. You can order your book online here for gallery’s special price of 25 EUR! (offer valid until the end of the exhibition, 28th of August, delivery of the books after 18th of June, 2021)
NÄHE. berühren – spüren – verführen
Hardcover, 24x20cm, 128 pages, ca. 70 images
Ed. by Sabine Kampmann and Torsten Obrist, Kerber Verlag, Bielefeld/Berlin 2021.
With texts by Hannes Böhringer, Anja Herrmann, Sabine Kampmann, Joachim Landkammer, Torsten Obrist, Annette Pehnt, Frank Schmidt, Arthur Schopenhauer, Liane Schüller, Wolfgang Ullrich
Participating artists: Marcela Böhm, Andrea Božić & Julia Willms, John Coplans, EVA & ADELE, FLATZ, (e.)Twin Gabriel, Simone Haack, Franziska Nast, Annegret Soltau
Curator: Dr. Sabine Kampmann
Book design: smile. Visuelle Kommunikation, Essen
ISBN 978-3-7356-0780-5
NÄHE #2 – First View
Video on our exhibition:
NÄHE #2 – spüren. Opening on INSTAGRAM LIVE Friday, 7 May 2021, 7 p.m.
NÄHE (Closeness) exhibition series
Artists: Marcela Böhm, Andrea Božić & Julia Willms, John Coplans, EVA & ADELE, FLATZ, (e.)Twin Gabriel, Simone Haack, Franziska Nast, Annegret Soltau
Schedule: March until August, 2021
03/19/ – 05/02/2021 NÄHE #1 – berühren (touch)
05/07/ – 06/12/2021 NÄHE #2 – spüren (feel)
06/18/ – 08/28/2021 NÄHE #3 – verführen (seduce)
Book NÄHE, Kerber Verlag
NÄHE #2 – spüren
How can you get close to yourself? Searching and longing to feel oneself frequently lead to trying to get under the skin. In the figurative and in the real sense. Tattoos and (self) harm pursue this goal, as do close-up photographs that come close to the surface of the body and show wrinkles, pimples and pores. The painting can turn the inside out through color and the line of the drawing creates a trace on the picture(skin) that let us feel – maybe even ourselves.
Opening Reception 7 May 2021, 12-22h (online 19h).
NÄHE (Closeness) exhibition series
Artists: Marcela Böhm, Andrea Božić & Julia Willms, John Coplans, EVA & ADELE, FLATZ, (e.)Twin Gabriel, Simone Haack, Franziska Nast, Annegret Soltau
Schedule: March until August, 2021
03/19/ – 05/02/2021 NÄHE #1 – berühren (touch)
05/07/ – 06/12/2021 NÄHE #2 – spüren (feel)
06/18/ – August, 2021 NÄHE #3 – verführen (seduce)
Book NÄHE (Kerber Verlag), release: 18 June 2021
NÄHE #1 – First View
Video on our exhibition:
NÄHE #1 – berühren. Opening Friday, 19 March, 2021, 7 p.m.
NÄHE (Closeness) exhibition series
Artists: Marcela Böhm, Andrea Božić & Julia Willms, John Coplans, EVA & ADELE, FLATZ, (e.)Twin Gabriel, Simone Haack, Franziska Nast, Annegret Soltau
Schedule: March until August, 2021
03/19/ – 05/02/2021 NÄHE #1 – berühren (touch)
05/07/ – 06/12/2021 NÄHE #2 – spüren (feel)
06/18/ – 08/28/2021 NÄHE #3 – verführen (seduce)
Book NÄHE, Kerber Verlag
CLOSENESS #1 – touch
The desire for closeness goes hand in hand with the need for touch. Touching means overcoming the spatial separation between the self and the other. The distance shrinks to a minimum and a positive feeling of familiarity is beginning. But the touch can also be uncomfortable, scary or overwhelming, dangerous or painful. The abandonment of contact and the desire for distance fulfill important functions for the individual and society – they keep the dark side of closeness under control.
NÄHE (Closeness) exhibition series
Artists: Marcela Böhm, Andrea Božić & Julia Willms, John Coplans, EVA & ADELE, FLATZ, (e.)Twin Gabriel, Simone Haack, Franziska Nast, Annegret Soltau
Schedule: March until August, 2021
03/19/ – 05/02/2021 NÄHE #1 – berühren (touch)
05/07/ – 06/12/2021 NÄHE #2 – spüren (feel)
06/18/ – August, 2021 NÄHE #3 – verführen (seduce)
Book NÄHE (german/ english), release: 18 June 2021
CLOSENESS – exhibition project
The current omnipresent demands for social distance lead to a lack of contact and physical closeness in our everyday life. As a result, works of art come into focus that seem to deal directly with one’s own body and that of the other. The (naked) body and its surface, the skin, are the preferred subject of this work. They understand the body boundary as a barrier but also as a contact zone between inside and outside. You go in search of closeness between friends and strangers, between family members, between couples, but also for closeness to yourself. The exhibited works of art show an awareness that the supposed directness of the body is always mediated. Video, photography and performance as well as drawing and painting, as artistic media, guide the way in which we create and experience closeness and distance. The exhibition series deals with these ambivalences.
Sabine Kampmann (Kurator)
NÄHE (Closeness) exhibition series
Artists: Marcela Böhm, Andrea Božić & Julia Willms, John Coplans, EVA & ADELE, FLATZ, (e.)Twin Gabriel, Simone Haack, Franziska Nast, Annegret Soltau
Schedule: March until August, 2021
03/19/ – 05/02/2021 NÄHE #1 – berühren (touch)
05/07/ – 06/12/2021 NÄHE #2 – spüren (feel)
06/18/ – 08/28/2021 NÄHE #3 – verführen (seduce)
Book NÄHE, Kerber Verlag