Starting 1. November, 2011kunst-in-tueten.de online order of the 11th edition of “Wundertuete – Die Kunst in Tüten” is possible.
“WUNDERTÜTE – Die Kunst in Tüten” is now existing for 11 years! – Over the course of the years more than 80 artists have participated in this art event, more than 4000 surprise bags were filled… But what is the “Wundertüte”? – A brown paperbag filled with art! The name of the artist you will find on the outside. But what your artwork is all about you will only know after opening, that means buying the “Wundertüte”!
Every participating artist made a limited edition of paperbags with original artworks in painting, sculpture, photography, object art or graphics, this year’s theme is “The Colour White | The Colour Black.” Participating artists: Ayse Arslan, Wiebke Bartsch, Ralf Bohnenkamp, Helge Emmaneel, Michael Goller, Robin Horsch, Gabriele Kaiser-Schanz, Dieter Kränzlein, Annette Laudert, Bianca Müllner, Jürgen Paas, Tina Reins, Barbara Ring, Eberhard Ross, Armin Scheid, Andy Scholz, Anja Schreiber, Michaela Schulze-Wehninck, Andreas Titzrath, Gaby van Emmerich, Julia Willms, Thomas Zika.
WUNDERTÜTE 2011 – Die Kunst in Tüten
“The Colour White | The Colour Black”
12 November, 2011 – 14 January, 2012
Opening Reception: Friday, 11 Nov., 2011, 7p.m.