KIND ALS PINSEL. CHILD AS A BRUSH. Making art, being a mother.

With works by

Even today, women artists who become mothers have to grapple with the question of how motherhood is presented to the outside world. Because it almost seems to be a flaw: making art and being a mother is unthinkable for many art practitioners. Career pauses and career breaks are literally expected and it is doubted whether art can still be created professionally under the conditions of a baby. As in every profession, it is about the question of the compatibility of work and motherhood and whether the art world is not subject to special peculiarities. In one way or another, each of the participating artists in this exhibition has experienced it.

The exhibition also poses the question of how one’s own child and family influence artistic work. Annegret Soltau was one of the first contemporary artists to reflect on her motherhood and her family in her own work, and that was a scandal in the male-dominated art world of the 1970s. Today, the insult is more subtle, with some female artists simply not talking about their motherhood. And why not: children hardly ever appear in the biographies of male colleagues.
The exhibition is the prelude to a more in-depth examination of the topic, which will be followed by further events and a publication by 2024.

Making art, being a mother
With Wiebke Bartsch, Marcela Böhm, (E.) Twin Gabriel, Simone Haack, Annegret Soltau
Opening 28 October 2022, 7 p.m.
Duration of the exhibition: 29.10.-26.11.22

(E.) Twin Gabriel: Child as a brush (Kooperatorka), 2007.
Camera performance, digitized Super-8 film

Annegret Soltau: Erinnerung (Memory), 1980. Video work

Marcela Böhm: Strom, 2022. Oil on canvas, 150 x 90 cm

The Cube by Andrea Božić / Julia Willms

The spatial installation “The Cube” by Andrea Božić and Julia Willms can be seen at the Städtische Galerie KUBUS at Hanover until Sunday, June 19. The presentation takes place as part of the Herrenhausen Art Festival and is also part of the Hanover “Night of the Museums” on June 18th. There is a meaningful press report by Ronald Meyer-Arlt in the Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung of May 22, 2022.

Hannoversche Allgemeine 22-05-2022

NÄHE #3 – First View

Video on our exhibition:

NÄHE #3 – verführen. Opening in the gallery and on INSTAGRAM LIVE Friday, 18 June 2021, 7 p.m.

NÄHE (Closeness) exhibition series
Artists: Marcela Böhm, Andrea Božić & Julia Willms, John Coplans, EVA & ADELE, FLATZ, (e.)Twin Gabriel, Simone Haack, Franziska Nast, Annegret Soltau

Schedule: March until August, 2021
03/19/ – 05/02/2021 NÄHE #1 – berühren (touch)
05/07/ – 06/12/2021 NÄHE #2 – spüren (feel)
06/18/ – 08/28/2021 NÄHE #3 – verführen (seduce)

Book NÄHE, Kerber Verlag

Exhibition Julia Willms in June

In a two-part exhibition we show work by Amsterdam based artist Julia Willms:
At EY5 Dusseldorf we present the audio installation “A WORLD”, which has been conceptualized together with Andrea Bozic. – Again the gallery space is subject to a radical inquiry. On the occasion of the Opening Reception Sabine Maria Schmidt, curator at Kunsthalle Bremen, will be speaking.
In the center of the Essen exhibition are the video “Tensiontest” and the audiovisual space installation “The Avantgarde Never Gives Up”. In addition photographs by Julia Willms will be shown.
The exhibition is supported by:

Julia Willms: A World.
21 – 29 June, 2013, Opening Reception: 21 June, 2013, 6 p.m.
Galerie Obrist@EY5, Mutter Ey-Straße 5, 40213 Düsseldorf
29 June – 24 August, 2013, Opening Reception: 28 June, 2013, 7 p.m.
Galerie Obrist, Kahrstraße 59, 45128 Essen


Link zum Kunstraum NOEHanakam & Schuller and Julia Willms will be participating in the group exhibition “Elastic Video” at Kunstraum Niederösterreich in Vienna. The project was initially shown at the institution Tokyo Wonder Site at Hongo, Tokio, in 2011. It was one of three awarded exhibition projects of the „Emerging Artists Support Program“, which is an internationally submitted program for young artists and curators.
Participating artists: Alan Cicmak, Florian Knispel, Claudia Larcher, M+M, Markus Hanakam & Roswitha Schuller, Bernd Oppl, Pipilotti Rist, Verena Schaukal, Liddy Scheffknecht, Yuichiro Tamura, Armin Wagner, Julia Willms.

18 Jan., 2013 – 16 March.2013
Kunstraum NOE, Herrengasse 13, A-1014 Wien
Link to Kunstraum NOE

Hanakam & Schuller: CATALOGUE, part 2

In the focus of the second part of the exhibition series CATALOGUE by Markus Hanakam and Roswitha Schüller is the short film INVASION, which lately was awarded as “Jury Selection Work” at Japan Media Arts Festival 2012. Here is the trailer:

There is a whole body of theoretical reflection about apparatus in cinema theory that could also be passed on photography. INVASION focusses on this wondrous and magical, but also ideological machine that produces a narration about reality as well as it is narration itself.
The film will show an partly absurd, partly reconstructed equipment, whose design is following descriptions and woodcuts of the compendium “The History and Practice of the Art of Photography; or the Production of Pictures through the Agency of Light” (1849).
The scene shows various movements and settings in handling the apparatus. A male Voice Over accompanies the scene. The atmosphere is similar to the genre of Science Fiction, where the machine becomes a crucial part of the story; it turns into a character among others.

CV Hanakam Schuller

Hanakam Schuller: CATALOGUE.
CATALOGUE 24/08/2012-29/08/2012
CATALOGUE 31/08/2012-05/08/2012
CATALOGUE 07/09/2012-22/09/2012
Opening Receptions: Aug 24, Aug. 31, Sep. 07, 7 p.m.

Hanakam & Schuller: CATALOGUE, part 1

Yesterday was the opening reception of the first part of the exhibition CATALOGUE by Markus Hanakam and Roswitha Schuller. Main work of this exhibition is the installation “White Cube with Sprinkles”, more than the half of the gallery floor is covered with sugar sprinkles. In addition to it two video works, one large-size drawing and two sculptures are to be seen, which all belong to the theme “TOPPINGS”. The Tartes by Hanakam & Schuller result from the artist couple’s ongoing occupation with dessert structures and toppings which they employ and explore as sculptural devices, translating the ranges of forms and color of these toppings into video animation, computer applications, objects, and occasional furniture.

CV Hanakam Schuller

Hanakam Schuller: CATALOGUE.
CATALOGUE 24/08/2012-29/08/2012
CATALOGUE 31/08/2012-05/08/2012
CATALOGUE 07/09/2012-22/09/2012
Opening Receptions: Aug 24, Aug. 31, Sep. 07, 7 p.m.

CATALOGUE by Hanakam and Schuller

Starting on 24 August the Vienna based artist couple Hanakam & Schuller show a spectrum of their work in our gallery, titled CATALOGUE. This will not only be one, but three exhibitions, which will occur one after another, week by week. Each part introduces another work category and group of themes: Accordingly the gallery appears on three opening receptions in different shape.
CATALOGUE 24/08/2012-29/08/2012
CATALOGUE 31/08/2012-05/08/2012
CATALOGUE 07/09/2012-22/09/2012

CV Hanakam Schuller

Hanakam Schuller: Catalogue.
Aug. 08.- Sep. 22, 2012.
Opening Receptions: Aug 24, Aug. 31, Sep. 07, 7 p.m.

Hanakam Schuller in August

Starting in August the gallery presents for the first time an exhibition of the Vienna based artist couple Markus Hanakam and Roswitha Schuller. Hanakam Schuller have studied in the class of Erwin Wurm, and already had shows all over the world. Lately their short film INVASION (2010) was awarded as “Jury Selection Work” at Japan Media Arts Festival 2012. Here is the trailer:

CV Hanakam Schuller
Hanakam Schuller: Catalogue.
Aug. 08.- Sep. 22, 2012.
Opening Receptions: Aug 24, Aug. 31, Sep. 07, 7 p.m.

Ausstellung Julia Willms verlängert


HERE AND NOW, die aktuelle Ausstellung von Julia Willms ist verlängert bis einschließlich Mittwoch, 6. April 2011.


Im Kabinett sind aktuell herausragende Arbeiten von Bernhard Schultze zu sehen, einem der wichtigsten Vertreter des deutschen Informel. Insgesamt zeigen wir 6 Arbeiten des 2005 verstorbenen Künstlers, darunter auch zwei Bilder in Öl auf Leinwand.

Tomorrow Opening Reception with Julia Willms

Here is a preview of the audiovisual space installation “Home” by Julia Willms, which we will show in our upcoming exhibition.

Double Click to start…

More about Julia Willms

Julia Willms: Here and Now.
Audiovisual space installations.
Feb. 12 – March 19, 2011
Opening Reception: Friday, 11 Feb., 2011, 7 pm

Julia Willms: Here and Now.


In her third solo exhibition at GAM Vienna and Amsterdam based media- and performance artist Julia Willms shows new works, including three audiovisual space installations, digital collages and drawings. In her work Willms continuously deals with the perception of space, and faces the viewer with irritations, which question his construction of reality.

Julia Willms (*1974 in Wilmhelmshaven) studied Media Art with Prof. Bernhard Leitner in Vienna. 2009 she was honoured with the START scholarship for Video and Media Art of the BMUKK, Austria. Willms participated in many international exhibitions, e.g.: solo exhibition at the “Weisses Haus”, Vienna, 2008 | “Blickwechsel – Österreichische Fotografie Heute”, Westlicht, Vienna, and House of Art, Brno, 2010 | “Virtually Real”, Stanley and Audrey Burton Gallery, Leeds, UK, 2011| Acquisitions by the collection of the City of Vienna and the collection of Nouriel Roubini, New York. Find more information at

Julia Willms: Here & Now.
Audiovisual space installations.
12 February – 19 March, 2011
Opening Reception: Friday, 11 February, 2011, 7 p.m.

Activities of Julia Willms

Urban Household 4

Media artist Julia Willms, who we will showcase in our gallery in February 2011, will participate in a whole series of art events in the next few months:

Audio visual installation of Julia Willms
In cooperation with Andrea Bozic and Robert Pravda
Sep. 16-18, 2010, 19.30 h at Frascati Theater Amsterdam
Sep. 23-25, and Sep. 29 – Oct. 02, 2010, TodaysArt Festival, Theater aan het Spui, Den Haag

Live TV transmission of a historic moment:
The first human beings on Mars!
Sep. 16-18, 2010 at Frascati Theater Amsterdam
Sep. 29 – Oct. 02, 2010 at Theater aan het Spui, Den Haag
Oct. 06, 2010 at Rotterdamse Schouwburg, Rotterdam
Oct. 07-08, 2010 Theater Kikker, Utrecht
Oct. 13, 2010 Plaza Futura, Eindhoven
Oct. 15, 2010 Chasse Theater, Breda

Now & Next, Tanzhaus NRW, Düsseldorf
Oct. 21-22, 2010

Virtually Real – The Burton Gallery, Leeds University, Leeds
Dates: March 1, 2011 – May 20, 2011 (11 weeks)
Private View: Tuesday, 1 March 2011, 6-8 pm

Mehr zu Julia Willms
More about Julia Willms
Feb. 26 – March 26, 2011 – Julia Willms: Videoinstallation and photowork.

Julia Willms in Wien | Julia Willms in Vienna


Bei “WestLicht. Schauplatz für Fotografie” ist Julia Willms derzeit an der Ausstellung “Blickwechsel. Österreichische Fotografie heute.” beteiligt. Alle beteiligten Künstler und Künstlerinnen:
Anatoliy Babiychuk, Selina de Beauclair, Hubert Blanz, Mark Glassner, Dorothee Golz, Markus Guschelbauer, Helmut und Johanna Kandl, Roberta Lima, Michail Michailov, Nikolaus Schletterer, Nina Rike Springer, Rita Nowak, Judith Pichlmüller, Agnes Prammer, Kamen Stoyanov, Martin Walde, Julia Willms, Erwin Wurm.
Die Ausstellung läuft bis 16. Mai 2010, mehr Informationen…

At “WestLicht. Schauplatz für Fotografie” Julia Willms is currently participating in the exhibition “Blickwechsel. Austrian Photography Today.” Participating artists:
Anatoliy Babiychuk, Selina de Beauclair, Hubert Blanz, Mark Glassner, Dorothee Golz, Markus Guschelbauer, Helmut und Johanna Kandl, Roberta Lima, Michail Michailov, Nikolaus Schletterer, Nina Rike Springer, Rita Nowak, Judith Pichlmüller, Agnes Prammer, Kamen Stoyanov, Martin Walde, Julia Willms, Erwin Wurm.
The exhibition ends on 16 Mai 2010, more information…

Mehr zu Julia Willms
More about Julia Willms
26.02.-26.03.2011 – Julia Willms: Videoinstallation und Fotografie.
Feb. 26 – March 26, 2011 – Julia Willms: Videoinstallation and photowork.

Julia Willms in Brünn | Julia Willms in Brno


Zeitgenössische Kunst aus der Sammlung der Stadt Wien wird zur Zeit in Brünn/ Brno gezeigt. Neben Valie Export, Lawrence Weiner, Erwin Wurm uvm. sind auch Videoarbeiten von Julia Willms zu sehen. Die Vernissage ist am 16. Februar, die Ausstellung läuft bis 11. April 2010 (Haus der Kunst, Malinovského nám. 2, Brno, Tschechien).

Contemporary art from the collection of the city of Vienna is currently shown in Brno, Czechia. Beside Valie Export, Lawrence Weiner, Erwin Wurm and many more video works of Julia Willms are presented. The Opening Reception is on 16th of February, the exhibition lasts until 11th of April, 2010 (The Brno House of Arts, Malinovského nám. 2, Brno, Czechia).