Christian Boltanski. Editions.

Our exhibition is a tribute to the great French artist Christian Boltanski, who passed away last July. We show selected editions in which various aspects of his work come to light.

The art of Christian Boltanski, who was born in Paris in 1944, is shaped by memories of the Holocaust and the reconstruction of his own past. In the cramped, half-dark spaces that he created in his installations, with the props that anonymously referred to people and their fates, the musty mountains of clothing, the stacked zinc crates and the patinated black-and-white photographs, he created an oppressive atmosphere of personal concern that was difficult to bear is. These installations have become icons of the art of memory.

He also acted subversively, because in one of his most important works, the 1200-photo installation Menschlich from 1994, he mixed portraits of the deceased victims with pictures of German soldiers and SS people, of perpetrators. As part of his exhibition at the Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg in 2013, Boltanski said: “I no longer know who is the perpetrator and who is the victim. It just so happens that a man can love his child and kill another child at the same time. Everyone has what it takes to turn into a devil from time to time. But even the devil sometimes takes a break.” – A commentary on the horrors of war, which has unfortunately become very topical again. Boltanski had Ukrainian roots himself, and we will miss his artistic statement in these times. The exhibition features signed photogravures and lithographs that were edited in a small edition.

Christian Boltanski. Editions.
Opening: Friday, May 6, 2022, 7 p.m.
May 7 – June 18, 2022

Photo edition of Wolfgang Burat


For the exhibition “flashback|echo” a photo edition with Burat’s image of “Einstürzende Neubauten” 1982 will be published. This picture will also be seen in the Museum Folkwang for the upcoming exhibition “A Star is Born”.
Our edition: Pigment print limited to 15 copies, image size 20,8 x 30 cm, paper size 30 x 40 cm, in a white wooden frame. – 380,- EUR

Wolfgang Burat: “flashback|echo”. Portraits of the 80s scene.
Opening Reception Friday, 2 July, 2010, 7 pm
Exhibition 3 July – 14 August, 2010.

Heute Ausstellungseröffnung Peter Schlör | Today Opening Reception Peter Schlör


Heute abend ab 19 Uhr findet die Ausstellungseröffnung “Peter Schlör: Deep Black / Bright White” statt. Der Künstler ist anwesend. Zur Ausstellung erscheint eine neue Fotoedition mit dem Titel “Herrenwiese”, Auflage 12+3, gerahmt im Format 53 x 68 cm, zum Preis von 480 EURO:

Tonight 7pm is the Opening Reception of “Peter Schlör: Deep Black / Bright White”. The artist will be present. On occasion of the exhibition we publish a new photo edition, titled “Herrenwiese” in an edition of 12+3, framed 53 x 68 cm, at a price of 480 EURO:
Mehr zu Peter Schlör
More about Peter Schlör
29.05.-03.07.2010 – Peter Schlör: Deep Black / Bright White. Fotoarbeiten.
29 May – 3 July, 2010 – Peter Schlör: Deep Black / Bright White. Photoworks.

Andy Scholz zeigt Folkwangbaustelle | Andy Scholz shows Folkwang construction site


Mit der Ausstellungseröffnung von László Lakner & Freunde zeigen wir zeitgleich im Kabinett neue Arbeiten von Andy Scholz. Der Hamburger/ Essener Fotograf hat über Monate die Baustelle des Folkwang Museumsneubau begleitet, und präsentiert einige Werke, die dabei entstanden sind.
Wir haben eine Sonderedition Format 50x40cm aufgelegt (siehe Abb.), die bei uns erhältlich ist.

Andy Scholz: Folkwangbaustelle. 22. Januar – 13. März 2010.

Mehr zu Andy Scholz

Starting on the same day as László Lakner & Friends we show in our cabinet new works of Andy Scholz. The Hamburg/ Essen based photographer accompanied the construction of the new Folkwang Museum building for months, and will present a selection of pictures he has taken.
We publish a small-size special edition (see image), which is available only in our gallery.

Andy Scholz: Folkwangbaustelle. January 22 – March 13, 2010.

More about Andy Scholz